Monday 21 July 2014


Gatcha-pon, or Gatcha, are little plastic balls you get from vending machines or stores. We have some in England but they seem very popular in Japan, with some really cool sets existing. Over here we're lucky if we see MicroMachines, usually these just contain cheap toys for kids or infants. Sometimes temporary transfer tattoos or bouncy balls.

So after the fairly big staff project (which is still ongoing, it's either too hot or storming! Can't catch a break!) I've taken a little time to dress a little display for this cool little gatcha set I got from Japan this Summer.

It's fairly basic, but I just wanted something to set them out there to that was a little more than just "placed on my shelf". So I got a tatami mat pattern to create a Japanese style traditional living room/lounge. With a papercraft television and stand, and a little cardboard box to store all the leftover peripherals.

I chose the Japanese setting, and intentionally went with the traditional stuff to really emphasise the setting, as all of these consoles are the Japanese versions of the consoles that we know in the west as the Nintendo Entertainment System or NES. I'll be you didn't know there was a huge keyboard attachment and magnetic tape drive available for it! In Japan you could even get a cartridge to run a version of BASIC through the console and create your own programs.

Anyway, perhaps I'll try this again when I get my hands on a laser printer and some real cardstock - but for now, it does me nicely.

(3DS and GBC give a good sense of scale I guess! These things are tiny!)

-Elabs, James.

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